墙外世界 VOL.626 | Supreme 19 春夏的贴纸,还带有香味?
1. Supreme 19 春夏的贴纸,还带有香味?
instagram: supreme_leaks_news
除了服饰和配件,Supreme 的贴纸也是大家喜爱单品,继 2019 春夏系列在 Instagram 上出现了陆续曝光后,情报账号 @supreme_leaks_news 也给我们展示了这一季 Bogo 贴纸猜想图。但据附文所述,这一次的贴纸和以往不同,似乎还带有 “香气” ?虽然目前还不知道具体的气味是什么,但根据贴纸水果的图案来看,会不会是水果味儿的?
2. 来看看他的《街霸》 x Nike 假想联名
法国艺术家 The Golden Shape 向来喜欢做一些 “假想” 联名设计,所发布的作品也一直备受好赞,甚至还出现仿制作坊将其设计照搬生产的情况… 继他一年前以 “龙珠超” 为主题做了个 Nike 联名后,The Golden Shape 近日再度选择另一经典动漫《街霸》做灵感,在 Instagram 上接连发布了两者的 “联名” 设计,分别根据游戏角色结合鞋型打造了 6 双鞋款。可以看到 “隆” 和 “肯” 是一样的鞋型蓝本,也许是根据这两个角色在动漫里风格极其相似而设计的,虽然 “春丽” 这一角色鞋款还未公布,但你们对另外 5 双是什么看法?
3. Chance The Rapper 和后街男孩拍的广告,就像部 MV …
instagram: backstreetboys
零食品牌 Doritos 近日聚集 Chance The Rapper 和后街男孩拍摄全新广告片,让大家一睹说唱匠人和经典组合的音乐合作。片中 Chance The Rapper Remix 了后街男孩的经典曲目《I Want It That Way》,双方还一起跳了一小段舞蹈,大家可以点击感受一番,看完你也许会有和我一样的疑问:这是一部 MV 吧…?
4. CLOT x CONVERSE “北极熊” 联名宣传片发布
CLOT x CONVERSE 的最新联名鞋款 “北极熊” 相信大家都已了解,就等着发售时入手了吧?正好明天就是实体店的发售时间,而陈冠希今日也是瞄准时机,发布了联名的宣传大片,做最后的预热。片子的主角和联名主题一样,也是一只 “北极熊” ,而它脚上穿的正是联名鞋款,并在片子最后融入些许滑板运动元素呈现,可爱又不失态度。
5. J. Cole 成为 NBA 全明星中场表演嘉宾
2 月 17 日我们将迎来 NBA 今年在夏洛特主办的全明星赛,不过除了比赛的内容,官方今日发布的另一消息也一样值得你期待,那就是备受大家喜爱的说唱歌手 J. Cole 将作为比赛中场休息时的表演嘉宾,极有可能会在现场演唱他刚发布的新单《Middle Child》。此外,全明星赛的开场嘉宾为 Meek Mill ,也是极受欢迎的说唱歌手,敬请期待吧。
“外面的世界很精彩”,虽然 Instagram 在国内被限制了,不过我们还将每天为你摘取“墙外世界”里面各种新鲜且有意思的分享信息,绝对是你的潮流版 VPN 工具,下期再见。
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Call Stack |
# | Time | Memory | Function | Location |
1 | 0.0000 | 362192 | {main}( ) | .../index.php:0 |
2 | 0.0000 | 362552 | require( '/mnt/deploy.bak/test.nowre.com/web/wp-blog-header.php ) | .../index.php:17 |
3 | 0.1015 | 6764536 | require_once( '/mnt/deploy.bak/test.nowre.com/web/wp-includes/template-loader.php ) | .../wp-blog-header.php:19 |
4 | 0.1054 | 6765960 | include( '/mnt/deploy.bak/test.nowre.com/web/wp-content/themes/nowre_2023/single.php ) | .../template-loader.php:106 |
5 | 0.1425 | 7027496 | include( '/mnt/deploy.bak/test.nowre.com/web/wp-content/themes/nowre_2023/template-singles/image.php ) | .../single.php:47 |
6 | 0.1455 | 7014448 | get_template_part( $slug = 'template-parts/content', $name = 'title-content-share', $args = ??? ) | .../image.php:12 |
7 | 0.1455 | 7015040 | locate_template( $template_names = [0 => 'template-parts/content-title-content-share.php', 1 => 'template-parts/content.php'], $load = TRUE, $load_once = FALSE, $args = [] ) | .../general-template.php:204 |
8 | 0.1455 | 7015200 | load_template( $_template_file = '/mnt/deploy.bak/test.nowre.com/web/wp-content/themes/nowre_2023/template-parts/content-title-content-share.php', $load_once = FALSE, $args = [] ) | .../template.php:718 |
9 | 0.1455 | 7015480 | require( '/mnt/deploy.bak/test.nowre.com/web/wp-content/themes/nowre_2023/template-parts/content-title-content-share.php ) | .../template.php:785 |
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Call Stack |
# | Time | Memory | Function | Location |
1 | 0.0000 | 362192 | {main}( ) | .../index.php:0 |
2 | 0.0000 | 362552 | require( '/mnt/deploy.bak/test.nowre.com/web/wp-blog-header.php ) | .../index.php:17 |
3 | 0.1015 | 6764536 | require_once( '/mnt/deploy.bak/test.nowre.com/web/wp-includes/template-loader.php ) | .../wp-blog-header.php:19 |
4 | 0.1054 | 6765960 | include( '/mnt/deploy.bak/test.nowre.com/web/wp-content/themes/nowre_2023/single.php ) | .../template-loader.php:106 |
5 | 0.1425 | 7027496 | include( '/mnt/deploy.bak/test.nowre.com/web/wp-content/themes/nowre_2023/template-singles/image.php ) | .../single.php:47 |
6 | 0.1455 | 7014448 | get_template_part( $slug = 'template-parts/content', $name = 'title-content-share', $args = ??? ) | .../image.php:12 |
7 | 0.1455 | 7015040 | locate_template( $template_names = [0 => 'template-parts/content-title-content-share.php', 1 => 'template-parts/content.php'], $load = TRUE, $load_once = FALSE, $args = [] ) | .../general-template.php:204 |
8 | 0.1455 | 7015200 | load_template( $_template_file = '/mnt/deploy.bak/test.nowre.com/web/wp-content/themes/nowre_2023/template-parts/content-title-content-share.php', $load_once = FALSE, $args = [] ) | .../template.php:718 |
9 | 0.1455 | 7015480 | require( '/mnt/deploy.bak/test.nowre.com/web/wp-content/themes/nowre_2023/template-parts/content-title-content-share.php ) | .../template.php:785 |
10 | 0.1534 | 7124520 | include( '/mnt/deploy.bak/test.nowre.com/web/wp-content/themes/nowre_2023/template-parts/content-share.php ) | .../content-title-content-share.php:4 |
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Call Stack |
# | Time | Memory | Function | Location |
1 | 0.0000 | 362192 | {main}( ) | .../index.php:0 |
2 | 0.0000 | 362552 | require( '/mnt/deploy.bak/test.nowre.com/web/wp-blog-header.php ) | .../index.php:17 |
3 | 0.1015 | 6764536 | require_once( '/mnt/deploy.bak/test.nowre.com/web/wp-includes/template-loader.php ) | .../wp-blog-header.php:19 |
4 | 0.1054 | 6765960 | include( '/mnt/deploy.bak/test.nowre.com/web/wp-content/themes/nowre_2023/single.php ) | .../template-loader.php:106 |
5 | 0.1425 | 7027496 | include( '/mnt/deploy.bak/test.nowre.com/web/wp-content/themes/nowre_2023/template-singles/image.php ) | .../single.php:47 |
6 | 0.1455 | 7014448 | get_template_part( $slug = 'template-parts/content', $name = 'title-content-share', $args = ??? ) | .../image.php:12 |
7 | 0.1455 | 7015040 | locate_template( $template_names = [0 => 'template-parts/content-title-content-share.php', 1 => 'template-parts/content.php'], $load = TRUE, $load_once = FALSE, $args = [] ) | .../general-template.php:204 |
8 | 0.1455 | 7015200 | load_template( $_template_file = '/mnt/deploy.bak/test.nowre.com/web/wp-content/themes/nowre_2023/template-parts/content-title-content-share.php', $load_once = FALSE, $args = [] ) | .../template.php:718 |
9 | 0.1455 | 7015480 | require( '/mnt/deploy.bak/test.nowre.com/web/wp-content/themes/nowre_2023/template-parts/content-title-content-share.php ) | .../template.php:785 |
10 | 0.1534 | 7124520 | include( '/mnt/deploy.bak/test.nowre.com/web/wp-content/themes/nowre_2023/template-parts/content-share.php ) | .../content-title-content-share.php:4 |