Nike SNEAKRS UK 特别奉献 “Week Of Ones” AJ I 发售企划
在 Air Jordan 系列中,没有任何一代可以和 Air Jordan I 的流行程度相媲美,自 1984 年问世以来,Air Jordan I 已经从单一的篮球鞋发展成现象级单品;最近几年 Air Jordan I 的热度持续升温,不少限定配色已经创下天价记录,再度引发哄抢热潮。本周 Nike SNEAKRS UK 宣布将开启 “Week Of Ones” AJ I 特别发售企划,从 11 月 5 日开始到 9 日,每天带来一款特别 Air Jordan I。目前确定的有 6 日发售的 AJ I “巴黎圣日耳曼” 和 7 日发售的 AJ I “Not For Resale”,其余款式还未公布,但绝对是重磅配色。虽然只是英国的活动,但已经买遍全球的你们肯定有办法入手其中想要的款式没错吧?
( ! ) Warning: include_once(/mnt/deploy.bak/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /mnt/deploy.bak/ on line 19 |
Call Stack |
# | Time | Memory | Function | Location |
1 | 0.0000 | 362128 | {main}( ) | .../index.php:0 |
2 | 0.0000 | 362488 | require( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../index.php:17 |
3 | 0.1059 | 6755408 | require_once( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../wp-blog-header.php:19 |
4 | 0.1127 | 6758488 | include( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../template-loader.php:106 |
5 | 0.1598 | 7026808 | include( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../single.php:47 |
6 | 0.1635 | 7011600 | get_template_part( $slug = 'template-parts/content', $name = 'title-content-share', $args = ??? ) | .../image.php:12 |
7 | 0.1635 | 7012192 | locate_template( $template_names = [0 => 'template-parts/content-title-content-share.php', 1 => 'template-parts/content.php'], $load = TRUE, $load_once = FALSE, $args = [] ) | .../general-template.php:204 |
8 | 0.1636 | 7012352 | load_template( $_template_file = '/mnt/deploy.bak/', $load_once = FALSE, $args = [] ) | .../template.php:718 |
9 | 0.1636 | 7012632 | require( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../template.php:785 |
10 | 0.1654 | 7088376 | include( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../content-title-content-share.php:4 |
( ! ) Warning: include_once(): Failed opening '/mnt/deploy.bak/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /mnt/deploy.bak/ on line 19 |
Call Stack |
# | Time | Memory | Function | Location |
1 | 0.0000 | 362128 | {main}( ) | .../index.php:0 |
2 | 0.0000 | 362488 | require( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../index.php:17 |
3 | 0.1059 | 6755408 | require_once( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../wp-blog-header.php:19 |
4 | 0.1127 | 6758488 | include( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../template-loader.php:106 |
5 | 0.1598 | 7026808 | include( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../single.php:47 |
6 | 0.1635 | 7011600 | get_template_part( $slug = 'template-parts/content', $name = 'title-content-share', $args = ??? ) | .../image.php:12 |
7 | 0.1635 | 7012192 | locate_template( $template_names = [0 => 'template-parts/content-title-content-share.php', 1 => 'template-parts/content.php'], $load = TRUE, $load_once = FALSE, $args = [] ) | .../general-template.php:204 |
8 | 0.1636 | 7012352 | load_template( $_template_file = '/mnt/deploy.bak/', $load_once = FALSE, $args = [] ) | .../template.php:718 |
9 | 0.1636 | 7012632 | require( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../template.php:785 |
10 | 0.1654 | 7088376 | include( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../content-title-content-share.php:4 |
( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "Endroid\QrCode\QrCode" not found in /mnt/deploy.bak/ on line 21 |
( ! ) Error: Class "Endroid\QrCode\QrCode" not found in /mnt/deploy.bak/ on line 21 |
Call Stack |
# | Time | Memory | Function | Location |
1 | 0.0000 | 362128 | {main}( ) | .../index.php:0 |
2 | 0.0000 | 362488 | require( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../index.php:17 |
3 | 0.1059 | 6755408 | require_once( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../wp-blog-header.php:19 |
4 | 0.1127 | 6758488 | include( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../template-loader.php:106 |
5 | 0.1598 | 7026808 | include( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../single.php:47 |
6 | 0.1635 | 7011600 | get_template_part( $slug = 'template-parts/content', $name = 'title-content-share', $args = ??? ) | .../image.php:12 |
7 | 0.1635 | 7012192 | locate_template( $template_names = [0 => 'template-parts/content-title-content-share.php', 1 => 'template-parts/content.php'], $load = TRUE, $load_once = FALSE, $args = [] ) | .../general-template.php:204 |
8 | 0.1636 | 7012352 | load_template( $_template_file = '/mnt/deploy.bak/', $load_once = FALSE, $args = [] ) | .../template.php:718 |
9 | 0.1636 | 7012632 | require( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../template.php:785 |
10 | 0.1654 | 7088376 | include( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../content-title-content-share.php:4 |