以为只有你家小李子最委屈吗?这些大牌同样是奥斯卡重磅 “陪跑团” 的成员!
小李子专业陪跑 23 年的经历和前辈们相比,还是略显稚嫩……
第 88 届美国电影艺术与科学学院奖(Academy Awards),也就是奥斯卡金像奖即将在美国揭晓,相比于本次颁奖典礼的电影来说,小李子 Leonardo DiCaprio 能否在今年结束自己长达 22 年的奥斯卡 “陪跑” 生涯则更为引人瞩目。早在 1993 年,年仅 19 岁的 Leonardo DiCaprio 便凭借《不一样的天空》入围过奥斯卡最佳男配角奖,此后便开启了一段 “影坛佳话”。金球奖、英国电影学院奖等等已经拿到手软,但从未拿下奥斯卡,小李子的粉丝表示完全不能接受偶像这样不被认可。今年 Leonardo 凭借《荒野猎人》中的出色表现再度入围最佳男演员,全世界影迷都表示 22 年攒的人品应该足够让他捧回小金人。
从实力上来说,小李子的表现绝对出色到没话说,可其他 4 位入围演员的表现同样精彩纷呈:“法鲨” Michael Fassbender、“老白” Bryan Cranston、Matt Damon,以及在《丹麦女孩》中演技爆棚的 “小雀斑” Eddie Redmayne 都是非常有力的竞争对手,想要从中脱颖而出虽然不是完全没有可能,但也称得上留有悬念。
Leonardo DiCaprio 历年奥斯卡提名回顾:
Best Supporting Actor, What’s Eating Gilbert Grape? (1993)
Best Actor, The Aviator (2005)
Best Actor, Blood Diamond (2007)
Best Picture, The Wolf of Wall Street (2015) (as producer)
Best Actor, The Revenant (2016)
多年 “陪跑” 的小李子尽管私人生活风流潇洒,可大多数影迷都一致认为奥斯卡欠他一座小金人。事实上,除了你们家的高颜值小李子, “陪跑” 奥斯卡的重磅影人大有人在!凑齐一支足球队首发都是完全没有问题的!
当中 Peter O’Toole(已于 2013 年逝世,享年 81 岁)甚至从 1962 年开始到跨越世纪的 2006 年间,被提名 8 次最佳男演员都没有得奖,2003 年奥斯卡为其颁发的终身成就只是肯定了老人家的卓越贡献,令人唏嘘。其他影人像是 Ridley Scott、Richard Burton、Glenn Close 以及恐怖大师 Alfred Hitchcock 都也没有拿到过小金人。对他们来说,也许被奥斯卡认可或许并不是那么重要,可对于亿万影迷来说,他们的贡献却远远不是一座奖杯可以概括的。
最后乌鸦嘴一句,即便今年小李子最终还是充当了绿叶,大家也不必太过愤怒,毕竟他肯定还会用更出色的表现征服观众。在我们心中,Leonardo 早已是最佳男演员。下面不妨跟随历史的脚步,看看奥斯卡 “陪跑团” 中还有哪些重磅影人吧!

Robert Downey Jr.
Best Actor, Chaplin (1993)
Best Supporting Actor, Tropic Thunder (2009)

Ridley Scott
Best Director, Thelma & Louise (1991)
Best Director, Gladiator (2000)
Best Director, Black Hawk Down (2001)
Best Picture, The Martian (2015) (at this year’s awards)

Spike Lee
Best Documentary (Feature), 4 Little Girls (1988)
Best Original Screenplay, Do the Right Thing (1990)

Peter O’Toole
Best Actor in a Leading Role, Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
Best Actor in a Leading Role, Becket (1964)
Best Actor in a Leading Role, The Lion in Winter (1968)
Best Actor in a Leading Role, Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1969)
Best Actor in a Leading Role, The Ruling Class (1972)
Best Actor in a Leading Role, The Stunt Man (1980)
Best Actor in a Leading Role, My Favorite Year (1982)
Best Actor in a Leading Role, Venus (2006)

Richard Burton
Best Supporting Actor, My Cousin Rachel (1952)
Best Actor, The Robe (1953)
Best Actor, Becket (1964)
Best Actor, The Spy Who Came in from the Cold (1965)
Best Actor, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966)
Best Actor, Anne of the Thousand Days (1969)
Best Actor, Equus (1977)

Glenn Close
Best Supporting Actress, The World According to Garp (1982)
Best Supporting Actress, The Big Chill (1983)
Best Supporting Actress, The Natural (1984)
Best Actress, Fatal Attraction (1987)
Best Actress, Dangerous Liaisons (1988)
Best Actress, Albert Nobbs (2011)

Alfred Hitchcock
Best Directing, Rebecca (1941)
Best Directing, Lifeboat (1945
Best Directing, Spellbound (1946)
Best Directing, Rear Window (1955)
Best Directing, Psycho (1961)

Tim Burton
Best Animated Feature, Corpse Bride (2006)
Best Animated Feature, Frankenweenie (2013)

Johnny Depp
Best Actor, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
Best Actor, Finding Neverland (2004)
Best Actor, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007)

Cary Grant
Best Actor in a Leading Role, Penny Serenade (1941)
Best Actor in a Leading Role, None But the Lonely Heart (1944)

Sigourney Weaver
Best Actress, Aliens (1986)
Best Actress, Gorillas in the Mist (1988)
Best Supporting Actress, Working Girl (1988)