就在昨日 Kevin Durant 公布加盟 Golden State Warriors 的消息后,几乎轰动了全球的社交网络平台。当然有人恭喜有人谴责,在追逐总冠军戒指以及伴随雷霆队走下去的选择上,他选择了前者,而许多过于激进的球迷甚至因此怒烧他的球衣,表达自己的不满。然而此番其发布的全新公开信也向大家表明了自己的观点以及立场,感兴趣的朋友不妨与我们一起来看一下:
This has been by far the most challenging few weeks in my professional life. I understood cognitively that I was facing a crossroads in my evolution as a player and as a man, and that it came with exceptionally difficult choices. What I didn’t truly understand, however, was the range of emotions I would feel during this process.
The primary mandate I had for myself in making this decision was to have it based on the potential for my growth as a player — as that has always steered me in the right direction. But I am also at a point in my life where it is of equal importance to find an opportunity that encourages my evolution as a man: moving out of my comfort zone to a new city and community which offers the greatest potential for my contribution and personal growth. With this in mind, I have decided that I am going to join the Golden State Warriors.
I’m from Washington, D.C. originally, but Oklahoma City truly raised me. It taught me so much about family as well as what it means to be a man. There are no words to express what the organization and the community mean to me, and what they will represent in my life and in my heart forever. The memories and friendships are something that go far beyond the game. Those invaluable relationships are what made this deliberation so challenging.
It really pains me to know that I will disappoint so many people with this choice, but I believe I am doing what I feel is the right thing at this point in my life and my playing career.
I will miss Oklahoma City, and the role I have had in building this remarkable team. I will forever cherish the relationships within the organization — the friends and teammates that I went to war with on the court for nine years, and all the fans and people of the community. They have always had my back unconditionally, and I cannot be more grateful for what they have meant to my family and to me.
Kevin Durant
我明白这项决定会让很多人感到失望,那令我难受。 但是在人生和职业生涯的这个阶段,我相信我在做一件我觉得正确的事情。
凯文 杜兰特
从信中我们不难看出,Durant 对此次的转队同样觉得非常惋惜。但是每个人都有追逐自己梦想的权利,希望大家可以尊重这次的决定。