Saint Laurent 与蔡国强合作呈现《樱花满天的日子》烟花秀
艺术家蔡国强为 Saint Laurent 创作了名为《樱花满天的日子》(When the Sky with Sakura)的烟花秀,地点位于在 2011 年日本地震及其引发的海啸中遭受重创的磐城市四仓海滩。整个作品宽 400 米,高 130 米,是日本首次尝试在白天烟花表演,天空中「樱花」的瞬间绽放传达了希望和未来,有一天土地可以成为粉红色的樱花海洋。
Saint Laurent 特别为该烟花秀制作的纪录短片在官网全球公映,并同步在纽约时代广场、伦敦皮卡迪利广场、上海港汇广场、成都纱帽街、东京新宿和原宿的大屏幕展示。
( ! ) Warning: include_once(/mnt/deploy.bak/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /mnt/deploy.bak/ on line 19 |
Call Stack |
# | Time | Memory | Function | Location |
1 | 0.0000 | 362224 | {main}( ) | .../index.php:0 |
2 | 0.0001 | 362584 | require( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../index.php:17 |
3 | 0.1147 | 6763664 | require_once( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../wp-blog-header.php:19 |
4 | 0.1205 | 6759384 | include( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../template-loader.php:106 |
5 | 0.1656 | 7014400 | include( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../single.php:50 |
6 | 0.1658 | 7014400 | get_template_part( $slug = 'template-parts/content', $name = 'title-content-share', $args = ??? ) | .../video.php:16 |
7 | 0.1658 | 7014992 | locate_template( $template_names = [0 => 'template-parts/content-title-content-share.php', 1 => 'template-parts/content.php'], $load = TRUE, $load_once = FALSE, $args = [] ) | .../general-template.php:204 |
8 | 0.1658 | 7015152 | load_template( $_template_file = '/mnt/deploy.bak/', $load_once = FALSE, $args = [] ) | .../template.php:718 |
9 | 0.1659 | 7015432 | require( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../template.php:785 |
10 | 0.1681 | 7091640 | include( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../content-title-content-share.php:4 |
( ! ) Warning: include_once(): Failed opening '/mnt/deploy.bak/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /mnt/deploy.bak/ on line 19 |
Call Stack |
# | Time | Memory | Function | Location |
1 | 0.0000 | 362224 | {main}( ) | .../index.php:0 |
2 | 0.0001 | 362584 | require( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../index.php:17 |
3 | 0.1147 | 6763664 | require_once( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../wp-blog-header.php:19 |
4 | 0.1205 | 6759384 | include( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../template-loader.php:106 |
5 | 0.1656 | 7014400 | include( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../single.php:50 |
6 | 0.1658 | 7014400 | get_template_part( $slug = 'template-parts/content', $name = 'title-content-share', $args = ??? ) | .../video.php:16 |
7 | 0.1658 | 7014992 | locate_template( $template_names = [0 => 'template-parts/content-title-content-share.php', 1 => 'template-parts/content.php'], $load = TRUE, $load_once = FALSE, $args = [] ) | .../general-template.php:204 |
8 | 0.1658 | 7015152 | load_template( $_template_file = '/mnt/deploy.bak/', $load_once = FALSE, $args = [] ) | .../template.php:718 |
9 | 0.1659 | 7015432 | require( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../template.php:785 |
10 | 0.1681 | 7091640 | include( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../content-title-content-share.php:4 |
( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "Endroid\QrCode\QrCode" not found in /mnt/deploy.bak/ on line 21 |
( ! ) Error: Class "Endroid\QrCode\QrCode" not found in /mnt/deploy.bak/ on line 21 |
Call Stack |
# | Time | Memory | Function | Location |
1 | 0.0000 | 362224 | {main}( ) | .../index.php:0 |
2 | 0.0001 | 362584 | require( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../index.php:17 |
3 | 0.1147 | 6763664 | require_once( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../wp-blog-header.php:19 |
4 | 0.1205 | 6759384 | include( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../template-loader.php:106 |
5 | 0.1656 | 7014400 | include( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../single.php:50 |
6 | 0.1658 | 7014400 | get_template_part( $slug = 'template-parts/content', $name = 'title-content-share', $args = ??? ) | .../video.php:16 |
7 | 0.1658 | 7014992 | locate_template( $template_names = [0 => 'template-parts/content-title-content-share.php', 1 => 'template-parts/content.php'], $load = TRUE, $load_once = FALSE, $args = [] ) | .../general-template.php:204 |
8 | 0.1658 | 7015152 | load_template( $_template_file = '/mnt/deploy.bak/', $load_once = FALSE, $args = [] ) | .../template.php:718 |
9 | 0.1659 | 7015432 | require( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../template.php:785 |
10 | 0.1681 | 7091640 | include( '/mnt/deploy.bak/ ) | .../content-title-content-share.php:4 |