陷抄袭门,KTZ 向抄袭加拿大因纽特土著设计致歉
日前英国本土设计品牌 KTZ 2015 秋冬系列中的一款毛衣单品,被指涉嫌抄袭加拿大因纽特人的 Shaman 的本土自主设计,而品牌方面随即作出回应,向 Shaman 的曾外孙女 Salome Awa 发出了一封道歉信。
日前英国本土设计品牌 KTZ 2015 秋冬系列中的一款毛衣单品,被指涉嫌抄袭加拿大因纽特人的 Shaman 的土著文化设计,而品牌方面随即作出回应,向 Shaman 的曾外孙女 Salome Awa 发出了一封道歉信。在看过 KTZ 给出的回复信件后,Salome Awa 表示 “品牌并未提及到底是谁抄袭了我祖父设计,也没有提出任何对受害家庭提供的经济补偿措施。” 这封道歉信全文如下:
Dear Salome
Thank you so much for contacting us and for giving us a chance to express our point of view.
Over the last 20 years KTZ has always been inspired by and paid homage to indigenous cultures and tribes around the world.
过去二十多年来,KTZ 一直对全世界的土著和部落文化保有敬意,并从中汲取设计灵感。
It’s part of KTZ’s DNA to celebrate multiculturalism as a form of art and to encourage appreciation for traditions, ethnicities and religions’ diversity.
作为 KTZ 品牌 DNA 的一部分,旨为将多元文化看成是一种艺术形式,我们鼓励欣赏传统文化、民族文化和宗教文化中的多样性。
At the time the piece in question was released (January 2015) the Inuit community was credited in our press release and online features, for example http://www.vogue.com/fashion-shows/fall-2015-menswear/ktz
(2015 年 1 月) 2015 秋冬系列单品发布,在官方发表和线上专题的采访中,均有提到因纽特人文化的对此的重要贡献,如:http://www.vogue.com/fashion-shows/fall-2015-menswear/ktz
KTZ is a very small UK based company – with a team counting less than 15 people employed across the globe and with ethnic backgrounds ranging from Macedonian, Greek, Portuguese, Polish, German, Italian, Dutch, Japanese, Nigerian, Chinese and Indonesian. Our work is never intended to offend any community or religion.
KTZ 是一间小规模的英国本土公司,不超过 15 人的团队成员,分别来自世界各个地方并带来不同的民族文化背景,像是马其顿、希腊、葡萄牙、波兰、德国、意大利、荷兰、日本、尼日利亚到中国和印尼等地。我们本意从未想过冒犯任何文化部落或是宗教。
We sincerely apologise to you and anyone who felt offended by our work as it certainly wasn’t our intention.
We have already removed the item from sale online and will remove the item in question from our stores.
Kindest regards